Tears for Syria

I don’t consider myself a religious person, and I’m definitely not pure nor godly, although I recently thought there might be a deity. Now, with all the cruelties in the world, and recently the civil war and sarin killings in Syria, I am so hurt and disappointed by my fellow homo sapiens that I don’t know who to turn to for comfort and guidance any more. So God, if you are indeed out there, will you hear this heathen’s plea on top of the deathly chokes uttered by the innocent Syrian parents and their children?


A Prayer for Syria

Oh God, Allah, Buddha
Heavenly Father, Greater Power,玉皇大帝 Yuhuangdadi,女媧Nvwa
I’m running out of aliases to call
While more and more satans run amok

I don’t pretend to understand
Who or what built this hell in Syria
Is it the extreme ISIS soldiers?
Is it Syria’s own Doctor of Death Bashar al-Assad?
Is it Russia, the USA?
Or is it someone, something else?

Oh God, Allah, Buddha
Heavenly Father, Greater Power,玉皇大帝 Yuhuangdadi,女媧Nvwa
I’m running out of aliases to call
While more and more satans run amok

If you can, Almighty God, cure their poisoned hearts
If you can’t, amputate their bloodied hands!
I know it’s evil making a wish like that
I know justice isn’t about seeking revenge
I know you work in mysterious ways
Yet all I see is clearly years of dead bodies

After you’ve punished the murderers
After you’ve saved the civilians
Cut off my left paw too
For this humble revenant
Whom you saved once
Has nothing to offer
But a hand for a hand

Will you help, God?


*** The End ***

  (The dissemination of this writing is for non-commercial enjoyment only. The author reserves the copyright for himself)
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