What Happened to Happiness

成熟後,發現幸褔原來是一種心態, 領悟就幸褔。

What Happened to HappinessNo, I did not write those words – I am not that smart and I can’t produce something that deep. My good friend CL penned them and sent them to me. CL is an excellent writer and philosopher, and she sends me her insightful thoughts quite often. I’ve been trying to encourage her to publish her writings, but she is just too modest to expose herself. So here it is, with her somewhat reluctant permission, but for the benefit of my readers, my crude translation:

When you are young, happiness is a thing, a toy.
You are happy when you have possession of it.

When you grow up, happiness is a goal, a destination.
You are happy when you are there.

When you are mature, you find that happiness is a mental state.
You are happy when you understand.
A way.

*** The End ***

(The dissemination of this writing is for non-commercial enjoyment only. The author reserves the copyright for himself)

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2 thoughts on “What Happened to Happiness”

  1. Some people are advanced in age but they aren’t mature enough to undetstand what true happiness is. So they are still stuck in the possession or destination stage.
    That’s my humble take on CL’s philosophy.
    Thank you for writing me!


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