

中国外交部翻译司高级翻译张京现场翻译是:Had the Chinese people not suffered enough in the past from the foreign countries?.

John Sir 的翻译是:Hadn’t we had enough of a hard time given by foreigners?


直接解 ‘吃苦头’ 可以是: ‘get the works’ 或 ‘have a hard time’ ; ‘给某人吃苦头’ 是 ‘give somebody the works’ 或 ‘give somebody a hard time’。 于是可以译成: Hadn’t we had enough of the works given by foreigners? or Hadn’t we had enough of a hard time given by foreigners? 要简易的话,用 a hard time ; 卖弄一下用 the works. 通常 suffer or pay 也可作吃苦头解,多在 suffer for something 或 pay for something 的句子结构中出现。

最后, Google Translate 的翻译是:Don’t we suffer from foreigners? 天啊!


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