


书法 / 書法 / Calligraphy

本书画摄影作品专区乃回应外界要求,特别为专业书法、绘画和摄影名家而设。各作者名家必须有十幅或以上作品在本网站内发表及/或获得网主推荐。如作者有意委托本网站安排在香港展览(销售或拍卖)其作品,有关收益在扣除所有费用后将拨归公益文化用途。请与网主直接联系另案单独处理(与本网站无关)。联系电邮: contact@momentoflife.net

专区书法家一览表 / 專區書法家一覽表 / List of Calligraphers


绘画 / 繪畫 / Painting

本書畫攝影作品專區乃回應外界要求,特別為專業書法、繪畫和攝影名家而設。各作者名家必須有十幅或以上作品在本網站內發表及/或獲得網主推薦。如作者有意委托本網站安排在香港展覽(銷售或拍賣)其作品,有關收益在扣除所有費用後將撥歸公益文化用途。請與網主直接聯系另案單獨處理(與本網站無關)。聯系電郵: contact@momentoflife.net

专区绘画家一览表 / 專區繪畫家一覽表 / List of Painters


摄影 / 攝影 / Photography

Calligraphy, Painting and Photography Zone (Photography Zone
In response to external request, our portal has specially established a Calligraphy, Painting and Photography zone for qualified, professional and reputable calligraphy, painting and photography masters. Each master must have ten or above famous works already published in this portal and/or is recommended by the webmaster. If, however, any master wants to arrange their works for exhibition (sale or bid) here in Hong Kong through our portal, whereby the relevant incomes, after all expenses are deducted, will be used for public welfare purposes, please contact the webmaster for arrangement under the separate Independent Project Program (IPP) that is unrelated to this portal. Contact Email: contact@momentoflife.net

专区摄影家一览表 / 專區攝影家一覽表 / List of Photographers