鵲橋會 (For Qudi and Guzheng)

鵲橋會 is an arrangement for qudi (曲笛) and guzheng (古筝) based on the Chinese legend of Niulang and Zhinü (牛郎織女).It is originally from a Guangdong folk song named 彩雲追月.

The first section titled ‘互相思念’ is depicting the longingness of the young lovers for each other as they were separated, with Zhinü in heaven and Niulang on earth. It is in sanban (散板). Qudi and guzheng imitate each other like they were calling to each other. Then, the tempo is retarded to get into the second section.

The second section describes their happy memories of the past and looking forward to the next meeting. I have used yaozhi (遙指) to describe the Zhinü weaving the cloud. I used many guazou to depict the scene of heaven. Onwards, the ascending melody and the repeated staccato notes imitate forming of the bridge by the magpies. The tempo also accelerate and the dynamics increase, describing an exciting mood

The third section is called ‘喜擁而聚’ with a faster tempo in Allegro. It is in heterophonic texture. Outlining the happy reunion of the couple.

The fourth section is ‘離別之痛’. It describes they had to part after having a short meeting. Using of many ways to convey a lingering mood,such as dotted ryhthm, rouyin (柔音) and tirlls.

Lastly, the fifth section returns to the beginning whereas everything back to the days they were missing each other. They expect the next meeting coming soon.

The piece is around 5’58.


*** The End ***



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