Love and Laugh, Etc.

1. Love and Laugh

love-and-laugh1Love is … love. Like you know what, you never get enough of it. Except in tennis, where if the referee calls you “LOVE!”, you get a big “O,” a huge nothing. What kind of joker would name a score, or lack of, with a misnomer like that? Wouldn’t “YUCK!” be more telling? Maybe that’s what he or she had in mind when thinking about love.

2. Presidential ESLlove-and-laugh2

The president of the Philippines recently called the president of the United States “that son of a bitch.” I don’t think the two men ever met yet. And they wouldn’t for a while after this honorific salutation. You know, it’s his prerogative to call someone a pejorative and make himself a stupefactive. Mr. Youturkey gets my vote for the next President of the Mouth-Washing Union.

3. Beginning of Year-End

Halloween, together with the scary bad thingies, has come and gone. Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner. I wish you good healthy legs to tackle the shopping, wealth to afford it, and lots of wisdom to control your girth from all that wining and dining.


*** The End ***

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